Castiglione, le peintre des chevaux paisibles
Ce film suit le récit du destin de Giuseppe Castiglione, peintre italien né à Milan en 1688. Il est constitué de promenades subjectives. Une voix narrative développe les chapitres de la vie de ce jésuite : son départ, son voyage, son arrivée en Chine, les intrigues de la Cour, ses promotions, son rôle dans la position des Jésuites auprès de l’Empereur, etc.
Le récit est ponctué par des reproductions de ses oeuvres qui nous racontent comment Giuseppe Castiglione est devenu Lang Shining et comment, finalement, tout au long de sa vie, il a cherché à transmettre un message de paix au travers de son art.
The Painter Of The Quiet Horses
The Painter Of The Quiet Horses tells the unique destiny of Giuseppe Castiglione, a Jesuit missionary who left to China in 1716. Born in Milan, he studied painting with Italian masters while being a novice at the Society of Jesus in Genova.
Once in China, he quickly melted into the Chinese society, up to the point that he managed to meet the Emperor Kangxi. Tremendously inspired by the Chinese culture, Castiglione progressively got to master the technique of Chinese painting. By doing so he became a favourite of the Emperor. Later on, he was in charge of designing the Palaces in the Imperial gardens of the Old Summer Palace. He then became an official painter of the Emperor’s court, a rare and privileged position especially for a foreigner; he took this advantage to bring together Europe and China.
Through the fascinating story of Giuseppe Castiglione, this film questions topics such as faith, history, artistic creation, interlaced in a world where both the European and the Chinese cultures constantly meet and examine each other.
D’après l’ouvrage de / inspired from the book of Jean-Louis Gouraud
Réalisation / Directed by: Joël Farges
Camera : Jean-Jacques Mréjen
Montage / Editing : Isabelle Manquillet
Animation : Massimiliano Minissale
Production : Olga Prud’homme Farges
Durée / Duration: 52 minutes
Format : 16/9
Avec le soutien du C.N.C / With the support of C.N.C
Documentaire de création / Creative documentary
© Kolam – 2007